Parvar meaning in Urdu

Parvar Meaning in Urdu

Parvar meaning in Urdu ” (پرور) means to nurture or raise (پالنے یا بڑھانے کا عمل کرنا) , often used in the context of bringing up or caring for someone, such as children. It’s a term related to the act of providing care and support. it is also cute name of a baby

Explanation Parvar meaning in Urdu

“پرور” معنی میں اردو زبان میں ہوتا ہے کہ کسی کو پالنے یا بڑھانے کا عمل کرنا، عموماً بچوں جیسے کسی کی پرورش یا دیکھ بھال کرنے کے سلسلے میں استعمال ہوتا ہے. یہ ایک دیکھ بھال اور حمایت مہیا کرنے کا عمل کو واضح کرنے والا لفظ ہے. اگر آپ کو مزید معلومات یا کوئی دوسرا سوال ہے تو براہ کرم پوچھیں.

Parvar meaning in Urdu meaning
Parvar meaning in Urdu

Examples on Parvar meaning in Urdu

  1. She is known for her dedication to the parvar (nurturing and caring) of orphaned children.
  2. In our culture, parvar (nurturing and caring) is considered a noble and responsible duty.
  3. The grandparents took on the parvar (nurturing and caring) of their grandchildren with love and care.
  4. His kindness in the parvar (nurturing and caring) of stray animals has earned him a good reputation.
  5. The government provides support for the parvar (nurturing and caring) of underprivileged families.
  6. The parvar (nurturing and caring) of a young sapling requires constant attention and watering.
  7. Many charitable organizations focus on the parvar (nurturing and caring) of the elderly in our community.
  8. Her book explores the challenges of parvar (nurturing and caring) in a modern, fast-paced world.
  9. The parvar (nurturing and caring) of traditional values is essential in preserving our cultural heritage.
  10. Teaching children about empathy is an important aspect of their parvar (nurturing and caring).

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